What shoes does my dancer need?
The required shoes for each class can be found under Dress Code section. Dancers are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their dance shoes. Parents/guardians, please be mindful of your dancers ability in regards to the style of shoe (ties, buckles, slip-on) as dancers are responsible for putting shoes on themselves.
How do I read a "Class Code"?
Class Codes are abbreviations of our class names. Since we have so many duplicate classes, like ballet, tap, and jazz, we include the day of the week and time which the class takes place to help differentiate the various classes. To read our class codes:
First letter indicates the day of week the class takes place: M=Monday, Tu=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, Th=Thursday, F=Friday, Sa=Saturday, Su=Sunday.
The number sequence indicates the time the class begins. For example, a class starting at 4:15 PM would be listed after the day of the week as "415"
The next sequence indicates the class grade or level (i.e. K/1, 2/3, 4/5, MS, HS or IP)
The final words are the class style (i.e. Creative Movement, Combo, Co-Ed, Musical Theatre, Jazz, Ballet, Tap, etc.)
For example: A kindergarten and first grade combo class that takes place on Mondays at 4:30 PM would have a Class Code of "M430 K/1 Combo: Ballet & Jazz"​
Does BRAVO have snow days?
The BRAVO Center follows the Baraboo School District when it comes to cancelling class due to Snow Days. If there is a snow day or early release from school due to weather, there will be no dance classes that evening. Late starts to school will not affect our dance schedule, and classes will continue as normal.
We understand not all our dancers are part of the Baraboo School District, so if it is unsafe in your area to drive or travel, please take caution and stay home. The BRAVO Center will also announce any snow day class cancelations via email and class BAND pages.
What is a "Built-In Make-Up Week"?
In the spring session, there is one week we have in our schedule that is used as a make-up week in case a class is cancelled due to weather. If your class is cancelled because of snow, you will have your make-up class during that week later in the spring. If your class does not have a weather related cancellation, then you have that built-in week off. This way each class has the same number of rehearsals.
What if my dancer is ill?
All dancers and instructors must perform a self-health screening prior to arrival. If a dancer or anyone in the dancer's household has any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, chills, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite) the dancer must stay home.
If a dancer becomes unwell during class, they will be removed from the class and a parent/guardian will be called immediately. If you have a cough or a fever, you must stay home until you are symptom-free for 3 days.
Can I order a past show DVD or Blu-Ray?
Yes! Families can order DVD or Blu-Ray copies of BRAVO Center dance shows from Drop Frame Productions at www.dropframe.com/BravoDVD/
I don't see my question here, is there someone I can ask?
We appreciate your patience as we are still building our FAQ page. If you still have questions, please contact the BRAVO Center office at bravocenterdance@gmail.com or leave us a message at 608-356-0865.

BRAVO Center
202 East Street, Suite 600​
Baraboo, WI 53913
​ (608) 356-0865
Valentine's Week
Dancers are encouraged to wear red, pink and/or hearts to class to celebrate Valentine's week, February 9th thru 14th!
Tuition Reminder
Tuition for the Long Term 2025 Session is due by March 1st.
Invoices have been sent from the BRAVO Center office to the email you registered your student with. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns:
Spring Break
BRAVO Center will be closed March 24th thru 28th for Spring Break! No regular classes will meet that week. Enjoy your holiday!