Dress Rehearsal

June 6th, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Located at the Al Ringling Theatre
All stage hands and backstage crew meet at the theatre for preparation and set up.
All dancers & chaperones should arrive by 5:00pm. This gives dancers a chance to come in, get their stuff settled & warm-up. Full company announcements will also take place at this time. We will begin Finale/Bows promptly at 5:15 PM.
We recommend arriving early so you can set your stuff down and warm-up before we begin. We will be rehearsing the full company Finale/Bows starting at 5:15pm. A full run-thru of the entire show will follow Finale/Bows rehearsal.
Since we are running the Finale/Bows first, dancers with completed Early Release Form will be able to leave concluding their final dance during the Dress Rehearsal. Dancers can learn the Finale/Bows sequence in their first costume so we can begin a full show run-thru concluding rehearsal. During the Friday and Saturday performances, dancers can wear their last costume for Finale/Bows.
All dancers should be in their designated areas to run Dress Rehearsal as if it was the actual show once we conclude Finale/Bow Rehearsal. This means full makeup (both male and female students), full costume, full lights, and full energy!
There will be a 15 minute intermission between Act 1 & Act 2, just as there will be during the show. Since we are running the Finale/Bows first, dancers with completed Early Release Form will be able to leave concluding their final dance during the full show rehearsal and do not need to stay until the end of the Dress Rehearsal.
Any non-volunteer or non-dancer will be asked to leave the theatre once our Dress Rehearsal begins.
We will have the dancers move to sit with their classes and chaperones in the areas labeled by their song title just as they will during performances.
If you wish to stay and watch Dress Rehearsal, we will have Dress Rehearsal Passes for purchase.
Show Order

Tuck Everlasting
Stage Make-Up

In order to look like you have a face to the audience, your show makeup needs to be significantly darker than you would wear normally. Please make sure your nails are clean, and free of all colored nail polish.
Both male and female dancers, should put on a foundation or matte bronzer to help your face look it's natural shade under the harsh, white lights and brush their the apple of their cheeks (the round part when you smile) with a natural, rosy hue.
Wear a lipstick 1-2 shades darker than their lip color. No fire-engine reds, please! We want you to look natural under the lighting.
Also line your upper and lower lids with black, navy, or olive eyeliner and apply a coat of black mascara to top and bottom lashes.
Gentlemen, it is important that you wear stage makeup for Dress Rehearsal and Show Performances. When you apply stage makeup, you look as though you are not wearing any on stage. If you do not apply stage makeup, your face will look like a white slate.
Ladies, apply a dark green or blue eye shadow to your lids. Purples and browns on your lids can create an undesirable "black eye" effect under the show lights.
For an easy and quick tutorial on how to create a proper hair bun, we recommend this video here:
REMINDER: Dress Rehearsal is run just like show,
meaning that costumes, makeup and hair must be show-ready!
What’s the purpose of a Dress Rehearsal?
Dress rehearsal allows the dancers and stage crew a “run through” of the show without the audience to increase familiarity with timing and fluidity. It also gives us a general idea of the length of the show while run in order.
What time and day do I have to be there?
Students must be at the theatre by 5:00pm to learn the Finale/Bows. Parents/guardians are encouraged stay with children that need assistance with costume changes as chaperones are not responsible for that.
Dress Rehearsal passes will be available for purchase should non-dancers or non-volunteers wish to stay.
Dress Rehearsal will begin promptly following Finale/Bows. Students must be in full costume and makeup and sitting in their designated areas with chaperones – rows of chairs are labeled by class. You may leave after your last dance is performed if you have submitted your Early Release Form.
In order to leave your chaperoned area during Dress Rehearsals and Performances, dancers must have a signed Early Release Form on file.
This is a safety precaution. If you are debating whether or not your dancer will make it the whole show, please fill out an Early Release Form just in case. We would rather have them on file and not need them than deny your child’s release.
NOTE: Chaperones have been strictly instructed to not release a child without a signed Early Release Form; no exceptions.
What should I wear?
Please refer to the Costume Description information located on our SHOW Page. You must wear your appropriate costume, including the style of the hair, shoes and makeup (male and female) for each dance.
Males and females both must wear heavy makeup in order to counteract the lightings “Ghost” effect on the face. Refer to "Stage Make-Up" photos above for more details
DO NOT wear nail polish of any color, toe nail polish, jewelry of any kind (including rings, earrings, etc. or glitter). All visible tattoos must be covered with make-up. No exceptions.
Who’s allowed in the theatre during Dress Rehearsal?
Only the students performing, those who are working the show (chaperones, volunteers, etc.) and parents who have purchased Dress Passes.
All other people, including friends, family members not watching over a child, etc. are encouraged and asked to stay home.
If you are in the theatre without a Dress Pass after 6:00pm, you will be asked to either purchase a Dress Pass or leave the theatre.
Am I allowed to take photos or videotape?
Only non-flash photography is allowed. Flash photography distracts dancers and creates a hazard on stage.
If you would like a professional DVD or Blu-Ray, please visit www.DropFrame.com/BravoDVD
BRAVO Center
202 East Street, Suite 600
Baraboo, WI 53913
(608) 356-0865
Valentine's Week
Dancers are encouraged to wear red, pink and/or hearts to class to celebrate Valentine's week, February 9th thru 14th!
Tuition Reminder
Tuition for the Long Term 2025 Session is due by March 1st.
Invoices have been sent from the BRAVO Center office to the email you registered your student with. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns:
Spring Break
BRAVO Center will be closed March 24th thru 28th for Spring Break! No regular classes will meet that week. Enjoy your holiday!